Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Creating!

Happy Felting!
When I look at the next four pictures  -
that's what I think - "Happy Felting"
You can tell Lucia is having a whole lot of fun 
and has fantastic ideas!
I'd love to be welcomed to a friend's house with a wreath like this.
It says "someone fun and creative lives here"
Hello! come in!
Don't you want to stop and chat!? 
and maybe touch the spiky hair
and rub that round belly!?
Colorful flowers for all year long...
Oh, Happy Day with these bright flowers.
Lucia said she used a cookie cutter as a mold.
Love them - gonna go make some - 
Well right after I post the cute birds...
All right - that's it!
I'm walking away from the screen and keyboard.
Time for fiber and a needle.
Some of the fiber used in these ultra cool creations is
from us
Happy Day!
Thanks for the picture show and inspiration, Lucia!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shop til you Melt....

I was thinking of other parts of the country where folks are 
still getting lots and lots of snow and 
- Shop til you melt - 
popped into my mind.
This isn't the best picture.
Doesn't show the stitching very well that outlines the bodies.
Susan of Su-Sun Designs did a brilliant job of creating this pattern.
I heard that a version of this quilt was in a quilt show this past week in Milwaukee.
That is so great! 
The maker of the quilt show piece gave credit to Susan Hill as the designer.
Thank you!
How very appropriate.
Last Fall a version of "Shop til you Melt" was in a show in 
South Carolina.
That quilter also gave Susan credit.
It's a fun piece to make - don't let it fool you though...
There are miles and miles of applique in this baby.
Worth every stitch when it's finished and hanging.
You'll revel in all the ooooohhh's and aaaahhhh's....
Happy day!
Snow bound folks - I'm thinking of you and sending warm thoughts

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What is wool roving? Kitten Mittens and mothers

I must borrow a phrase from my friend at PotsandPins -
I only know what I know -
This is what I know (so far) about the
Corriedale wool roving (sliver) that Lavender Rabbit carries: here and here

This wool felts (shrinks) when wet felted and needle felts beautifully.
It comes from Corriedale sheep.
The sheep are sheered.
The wool is washed and dried.
I don't know when in the process the wool is dyed.
At some point the wool is combed (carded).
The hand combs look like dog brushes.
A drumcarder is a machine that cards the wool faster.
The green roving(sliver) in the picture is dyed and carded
into a long "bat" or "batting"
(I think that's the correct term):
Not all wool "felts".
In my limited felting experience, I have successfully felted with
Camel down
They have all needle felted just fine with definite differences in the finished product.
Some wool felts easier than others.
Some wool compacts tight faster than others.
Some wool won't felt!
Knitters and crochet-ers like superwashed wool for projects because it won't shrink (felt).
That's it!
That's what I know - so far.
Now, check out these Kitten Mittens they were needlefelted using Corriedale wool

Together the mittens weigh .3 or 3 tenths of an ounce or 9 grams of wool roving.
They fit a 21" doll.
Soulsister made an adult size pair for Art-girl.
yummy- soft - chocolate kitties to wear on her hands to
keep her fingers warm and soft when the cold wind blows.
Always, thinking of you.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pink Ellie

A few years ago I picked up a felting needle - "what's this"?
I ignored my friend's admonishment that the needle tip was extremely sharp.
Promptly stabbing myself in the finger - 
I was "hooked".
I have a "thing" for pink elephants
that dates to childhood and a silly song my dad sang about 
pink elephants on the ceiling
pink elephants on the wall
lavender alligators running around in the hall...
Pink Ellie was made in the L.A. airport while Adventure-girl and I were 
waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting 
for a flight home.
We'd been to the homeland for a visit.
The return trip was not going so well and our luck was in-the-tank.
Poor Pink Ellie - born of angst...
What day of the week is that?
I'm a Thursday's child and a middle child to-boot.
That combination makes for super wishing powers - 
like wishing for the perfect parking place
and having it appear...
Oh! back to topic - 
*Pink Ellie*
We'd seen some donkeys in the field next to the homeland so - 
donkey's were in my head 
and I thought that one would appear at the end of my felting needle.
(I like to start sculpting felted creatures - behind first)
but(t) no!
No matter how the needle tried to adjust the wool roving into the shape of a donkey behind...
an elephant behind would appear!
Folks in that crowded airport let me have my space as I
that long needle
and over
and over
into the wad of pink wool.
Adults adjusted their curious children so a shoulder or backpack was between us.
Even Adventure-girl moved across the waiting area from me to separate herself from the 
4 hours from start to finish
Amazing what one can accomplish - when one must accomplish "something".
roving, felting needles and tools can be found here