Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Make Believer

That isn't a typo...
I'm a Make Believer...
I'm officially out of the closet
Make Believer's Unite!
Of course if I'm going to Make Believe
then I have to have a tiara...
And not any old tiara but
a special 
Special-for-the-character tiara.

This tiara is for the 
Princess of Change.
Not pocket change 
Change - change
Like change in the weather 
seasons change.
I'm always changing - well in my mind, at least.
 Adventure gurl made the second tiara...
She is also a 
Make Believer
These little wonders are so easy to build.
I kid you NOT!
In a few days...
I'll have a little video thingy posted
so you can see how easy it is.
we are going to carry solder art supplies and kits so you can make your own

In my opinion...
We should wear a tiara every day.
Everyday Tiaras
For sure.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Been busy...

I have been really busy.
Good stuff...
all of it.

Added a bundle of wool roving colors to 
eBay called 

Playing with solder - an expert I'm not but I am having fun

Everyone needs a little luck every now and then...
The 5 leaf clover was a gift to a friend who
needed something to break the spell of
silly weirdness that was happening in her life.
I think it worked!

We're going to be adding supplies to make
soldered art - soon...
Just jumping through some hoops -
building a different web site.

On the personal side....
I've been -
Exercising - more than a walk around the block
Working with an estate sale service - way too much fun for words!
Working for a great company merchandising greeting cards...
I've been busy.
Happy Day!