Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Betty Lou Blue bird

Is it OK to post something like this?

It's really, really old...
from a
Fleisher's Knitting and Crochet Manual
I haven't seen this label on threads...
So, if it's not OK 
Tell me - Please.

My Mom says her nick-name was 
Betty Lou Blue bird, when she was little.
She was also called 
Betty Lou Red bird - 
wonder if it was the same person who
used those nick names?
Mom's day tomorrow is huge 
and she
is ever present in my mind.
My hands can't make this
even to honor Mom.
But - someone might want to take on the project
for their own special little bird.

10 or 11 skeins of snow white
1 ball or skein of 233 
1 ball or skein of 235
Fleisher's Germantown Zephyr, 4-fold
Amber hook 3 1/2.

4 stitches = 1 inch
5 rows = 1 inch

Chain 123.
Work even for 190 rows
using a single crochet catching both threads
With blue - copy the Blue Bird design in cross stitch
Placing the birds as shown in illustration.
a sweet blanket 
crocheted with love.

Deep breaths - but not too many at once.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Penguins - can't get them out of my mind...Why?

What is it with the penguins in 
my head...
Maybe the weather...
wet and cool,
really, really wet -
but nice to breathe
the air.

If you're looking for some felting inspiration....
These penguins, Santa's and trees are - 
Yes, easy.

And - 
Well, quick is relative...

If I have an hour in bits and pieces, 
I can get one of these little creatures
made and maybe start another.

Bits and pieces- 
that's how I work.
Needle felting can be hauled around
without much effort.
I use an old lunch box 
or one of those
cool, cute, stiff plastic-y bags
with a handle.

A few chunks of wool-
a piece of foam-
Felting tool and some extra needles-

and my imagination.
one idea leads to 
Then I have a collection or an obsession.
It's hard to determine which.

If you're not tired of penguins, yet...
Here are a couple more...

felting - needle punching - quilting

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Solder art - here we come....

Can you say 
"Obsessive - compulsive"
I can, and I am...
I get that way about every new artsy crafty thingy 
I learn...
Solder art is no exception.
I am having a blast 
teaching other folks along the way...
This is a kit we carry...
Everything to get you started - soldering
 Super cool extra hands 
for which I have already found
many, many more uses
including threading a needle -
Yes, it's true.
 Wavy copper foil that looks so cool
on the winter-y ornaments
 2" x 3" glass that makes perfect sized ornaments
Use images from cards you've received
Cut images from calendars,
old books.
art books
oh, my gosh the list is endless....

The back of this one says -

These are a few of the pieces
my friend and I made one day.
Oh, my goodness!
We had so much fun.
Lots more fun in store for everyone.
You can do this...
Yes, you can!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kaw! Kaw! said Crow

I love, love, love sparkles.
Doesn't everyone?
Scored these at an estate sale.
Sweet success...

Oh, Happy day!