Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Solder art - here we come....

Can you say 
"Obsessive - compulsive"
I can, and I am...
I get that way about every new artsy crafty thingy 
I learn...
Solder art is no exception.
I am having a blast 
teaching other folks along the way...
This is a kit we carry...
Everything to get you started - soldering
 Super cool extra hands 
for which I have already found
many, many more uses
including threading a needle -
Yes, it's true.
 Wavy copper foil that looks so cool
on the winter-y ornaments
 2" x 3" glass that makes perfect sized ornaments
Use images from cards you've received
Cut images from calendars,
old books.
art books
oh, my gosh the list is endless....

The back of this one says -

These are a few of the pieces
my friend and I made one day.
Oh, my goodness!
We had so much fun.
Lots more fun in store for everyone.
You can do this...
Yes, you can!

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