Monday, November 15, 2010

Penguins - can't get them out of my mind...Why?

What is it with the penguins in 
my head...
Maybe the weather...
wet and cool,
really, really wet -
but nice to breathe
the air.

If you're looking for some felting inspiration....
These penguins, Santa's and trees are - 
Yes, easy.

And - 
Well, quick is relative...

If I have an hour in bits and pieces, 
I can get one of these little creatures
made and maybe start another.

Bits and pieces- 
that's how I work.
Needle felting can be hauled around
without much effort.
I use an old lunch box 
or one of those
cool, cute, stiff plastic-y bags
with a handle.

A few chunks of wool-
a piece of foam-
Felting tool and some extra needles-

and my imagination.
one idea leads to 
Then I have a collection or an obsession.
It's hard to determine which.

If you're not tired of penguins, yet...
Here are a couple more...

felting - needle punching - quilting

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